Social certification Trends

  Social issues across global value chains have received more attention over the past years. Standards serve as a tool to ensure good social practices. But with over 400 sustainability schemes to choose from, how do you find the best one for your business? ProFound consultants Lisanne Groothuis and Jolanda van Hal researched just that. On behalf of CBI, the Center for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries, they identified current trends in social standards, compared the main standards on the market and developed guidelines to help exporters find the best one for them. The study and webinar [Read more]

2022-06-14T08:24:40+00:00June 14th, 2022|

How to choose the right social certification for my company?

As an exporter, you should choose a social certification standard that fits your company best. To determine which standard fits your needs you will need to determine your objectives and compare the different standards available to see which one helps you meet them. We have developed three important steps to guide you on this process. Determine your needs and objectives You should look for standards that help you achieve your objective and goal. Maybe you have a buyer that wants you to certify according to a specific standard before you can become a supplier. You can also use standards [Read more]

2022-07-05T09:56:42+00:00June 14th, 2022|

ProFound Team

ProFound team The ProFound team consists of experts and advisers in development. We regularly collaborate with freelance consultants and trainees when and where required. Much of the work is done through teamwork, which optimises creative inputs and ensures the continuity of the tasks at hand. Feel free to connect with us! Bert-Jan Ottens is the founder of ProFound – Advisers In Development and Senior Adviser. He is also the founder of Blue Rhino (rural finance) and Green Rhino Kenya (‘Healthy Green Choice’). He has a background in international economic development, and policy and management studies [Read more]

2024-07-02T17:58:23+00:00June 17th, 2020|

Building our expertise for coffee and cocoa sectors

We shared earlier this year that CBI chose ProFound to conduct their new market intellingence on coffee and cocoa sectors. An essential part of our coffee and cocoa market intelligence work for CBI is to gather first-hand information. For instance, we collect the market information through company visits and events. Visiting companies in Switzerland Lisanne Groothuis and associate consultant Gustavo Ferro went to Switzerland in November to visit companies active in coffee and cocoa sectors. Our consultants spoke with representatives of Pronatec, a sustainable sourcing company specialized in cocoa and other ingredients. They also met with micro-roaster Röstlabor, one [Read more]

2023-10-12T09:27:06+00:00November 27th, 2019|

Facilitating market access for natural ingredients for cosmetics from Colombia

To support the Colombia + Competitiva (C+C) programme from Swisscontact Colombia, ProFound consultants Jolanda van Hal, Lisanne Groothuis and Gustavo Ferro are developing a roadmap for the natural ingredients for cosmetics sector in Colombia. In addition, they provide individual coaching for three projects in the C+C programme that aim to export specific natural ingredients for cosmetics; sacha inchi oil, Magdalena River nut oil and annatto extract. Our consultants spent the last few weeks in Colombia, where they organised a workshop on the European market for cosmetic ingredients for stakeholders in the Colombian sector. Moreover, they identified key challenges and opportunities in Colombian [Read more]

2019-10-04T02:32:37+00:00October 3rd, 2019|

ProFound wins CBI tenders: market intelligence on cocoa and coffee sectors

CBI chose ProFound to conduct their new market research on the coffee and cocoa sectors. For the next four years, our expert in coffee and cocoa, Lisanne Groothuis and Gustavo Ferro, are investigating these sectors. The aim is to strengthen the competitive position of coffee and cocoa producers and exporters. For these studies we analyse key and emerging trade flows between producing countries and the European market. We also look at the main trends in the European coffee and cocoa sectors. Using these inputs, we carefully set out all buyer requirements and give practical tips to producers and exporters. [Read more]

2020-03-04T09:58:27+00:00June 7th, 2019|

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