Access to Markets for Agro-Biodiverse & Natural Ingredient Entrepreneurs

This is what we do:
Market Analysis
This is part of our daily routine! We have up-to-date research on a large variety of agricultural products and natural ingredients, and on developments in sub-sectors. We translate our findings into concrete actions and recommendations, to pave the way for successful market entry and/or sector development. Our studies are always tailor-made, reader-friendly and ready-to-use.
To access new markets, suppliers need to meet requirements of those markets and potential business partners. Buyers expect safe, traceable, sustainable and well-documented products. To meet these expectations, compliance with standards is vital. ProFound assists companies and support organisations in developing solutions and implementing actions to become compliant with market requirements.
Market Entry
We support businesses and support organisations in developing market entry strategies, and in building capacity to implement these strategies. We tailor our work to the client’s ambitions, specific objectives, marketing experience and capacities. We also help companies find their best match in local, regional or international markets.
…and this is how we make a positive impact:
We work mainly with Small and Medium Enterprises from developing countries

We specialise on agro-biodiverse and natural products

We connect suppliers with local and international markets

Explore some of our initiatives:
ProFound Digital services for SMEs and BSOs
We have developed a special service offer to support SMEs and BSOs remotely and on their digital journeys.
Also, most all of our current services portfolio can be implemented remotely. Click here to know all our digital services from online matchmaking to a digital marketing accelerator.
Natural Ingredients CheckApp
The NI-CheckApp is the one-stop compliance tool for the natural ingredients value chain. It is the tool for documentation, compliance, guidance and sustainability. Designed for both suppliers and buyers, this tool makes traceability and sustainability of production chains easier and more affordable. Click here to know more about our CheckApp.
Trade Fair Concepts and ProFound Sample Hub
Besides having developed our trade fair concepts in recent years with the Organic Africa Pavilion and the BioTrade Asia Pavilion (BioFach e-Special 2021), our current efforts are also geared to create an even more digital platform presence to sustain the marketing drive of the companies we assist. Check the digital Sample Hub of our co-exhbitors available on the 1-2-Taste platform.