Kasper Kerver highlights moringa opportunities on Zambian TV

Our consultant Kasper Kerver just returned from field research on moringa in Zambia. During his trip he was also interviewed for the national TV network ZNBC. In Kasper's field research, he assessed current capacities and developments on the ground in Zambia. Kasper discussed the opportunities for moringa production with stakeholders in the sector. He visited nurseries, farmers, traders, exporters, the Zambian Development Agency and NGOs with an interest in this sector. I see a big opportunity for Zambia in the global market for organic certified moringa. India, the main supplier of moringa, struggles with the organic certification of moringa.  - Kasper Kerver Watch the video [Read more]

2019-04-16T09:36:02+00:00April 5th, 2018|

Linking Ethiopian Gums and Resins to international markets

  For the last ten months, ProFound’s experts together with a local Ethiopian team have been working on establishing sustainable Gums and Resins supply chains in Ethiopia and linking them to international markets. As the project is coming to an end we want to share with you some of our main achievements and learnings. Strengthening Drought Resilience in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lowlands of Ethiopia (SDR-ASAL) Ethiopia's rural areas face enormous environmental and socio-economic challenges that put the livelihoods of small farmers and pastoralists at risk (Humboldt Universität Zu Berlin, 2017). These environmental pressures have become evident through the [Read more]

2021-06-10T09:35:51+00:00May 11th, 2021|

Linking Sri Lankan agricultural exporters to international markets

  Linking Sri Lankan agricultural exporters to international markets Between November 2020 and March 2021, ProFound senior advisors Bert-Jan Ottens and Kasper Kerver worked on a project with the "GLX Garage", a business development programme for SMEs exploring international markets in the sectors of food, agriculture, travel, design, and energy sectors. The main role of Bert-Jan and Kasper was to support the Sri Lankan agricultural exporters with the development of their export strategy and linking them to international markets. The GLX Garage The GLX Garage supports and creates avenues for sustainable companies with a strong interest and need [Read more]

2021-03-23T11:10:24+00:00March 22nd, 2021|

The market potential of Cameroon´s Penja pepper

The market potential of Cameroon´s Penja Pepper Project update: Exporting Penja pepper from Cameroon to the United Kingdom and other European countries We recently completed our study on the market potential of Cameroon´s Penja pepper. In this blog, we share some insights from this study and highlight the main opportunities and challenges of the market. This study was assigned by the United Kingdom Trade Partnership Programme (UKTP) of the International Trade Centre (ITC). The main objective was to analyse the current and potential European and UK market for Penja Pepper. Beyond the study, we also focused on providing practical [Read more]

2020-11-03T08:23:41+00:00November 2nd, 2020|

ProFound will link Gums and Resins collectors to markets

ProFound is proud to announce that we recently won the tender for a programme focusing on Gums and Resins, supported by GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Ethiopia. The GIZ Programme is called “Strengthening Drought Resilience in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lowlands of Ethiopia (SDR-ASAL)”. Amongst other objectives, the programme aims at building capacities amongst Government institutions and partners in the field of planning and natural resource management and utilization. The Gums and Resins market in Ethiopia Gums and Resins such as Frankincense, Myrrh, Gum Arabic play an important role in the daily life of many Ethiopians. [Read more]

2021-06-10T09:35:53+00:00July 29th, 2020|

ProFound Team

ProFound team The ProFound team consists of experts and advisers in development. We regularly collaborate with freelance consultants and trainees when and where required. Much of the work is done through teamwork, which optimises creative inputs and ensures the continuity of the tasks at hand. Feel free to connect with us! Bert-Jan Ottens is the founder of ProFound – Advisers In Development and Senior Adviser. He is also the founder of Blue Rhino (rural finance) and Green Rhino Kenya (‘Healthy Green Choice’). He has a background in international economic development, and policy and management studies [Read more]

2024-07-02T17:58:23+00:00June 17th, 2020|

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