Mission to Morocco

2013-11-13T15:28:16+00:00November 13th, 2013|Tags: , , , , |

In the framework of the National Strategy for the Sustainable Management and Development of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (MAPs), ProFound consultants Bert-Jan Ottens and Gustavo Ferro headed to Morocco last October for a two-week mission. During these two weeks, ProFound combined efforts with the other project partners and acted on two main fronts: engaging with the private sector and elaborating a resource assessment strategy for the project species (rosemary, thyme, pyrethrum, and oregano). The mission encompassed strategic meetings, field and company visits and workshops. During the field visits, ProFound accompanied the project team to cooperatives and wild collection areas in [Read more]

Making progress in Ethiopia’s beekeeping sector

2016-10-11T12:59:21+00:00October 24th, 2013|Tags: , , |

Since the inception phase of the programme to develop Ethiopia’s beekeeping sector was finished, ProFound introduced its 4-step programme to facilitate market access: Market analysis and company audits GAP analyses Marketing strategies Trade fair participation and matchmaking Earlier this year, ProFound already presented the results of its market analysis to stakeholders in Ethiopia and organised a workshop on the same topic. In August, the first 7 companies were audited by ProFound and its partners. The audits showed some interesting results. Many of the companies have ambitious marketing plans and some of them are close to realising their goals in the [Read more]

Supporting ProEcuador’s business intelligence

2016-11-01T16:28:14+00:00June 28th, 2013|Tags: , , , |

ProEcuador was established recently to widen and deepen the Ecuadorian export offer and to support Ecuadorian companies that want to enter export markets. ProEcuador has established a business intelligence and export support team to provide market intelligence and advice. Next to building a stronger sector specialisation within these teams, there is also a need for capacity building on how to do research, how to analyse outcomes to meet the specific needs of Ecuadorian exporters and how to present information in a user friendly way. Using the market intelligence products developed by ProFound on quinoa and chocolate, staff of these departments [Read more]

Launch of ASPIRE programme in Ethiopia

2016-11-01T16:28:14+00:00April 11th, 2013|Tags: , , |

On March 28, the programme to develop Ethiopia’s beekeeping sector was launched officially. ProFound was not only in Ethiopia to witness the launch and discuss programme management with its partners, but also to deliver first results. A round table discussion initiated a Quality Assurance Scheme covering the entire value chain. Companies, government representatives, sector organisations, research institutes and consultants brainstormed on the Quality Assurance Scheme to prepare a list of actions, which will be followed up by the newly established Quality Assurance taskforce. ProFound also provided a three-day workshop to introduce representatives of diverse companies and sector organisations to market [Read more]

Sustainable Ingredients Programme Morocco

2016-11-01T16:28:14+00:00December 2nd, 2012|Tags: , , , , |

UNDP & FairWild establish a partnership for the implementation of a 3-year GEF-funded programme: "Morocco - Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Value Chains for Mediterranean Medicinal & Aromatic Plants". ProFound will coordinate FairWild's support & training in areas of resource assessment & management, market & value chain development, and certification procedures.

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