Facilitating market access for natural ingredients for cosmetics from Colombia

2019-10-04T02:32:37+00:00October 3rd, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

To support the Colombia + Competitiva (C+C) programme from Swisscontact Colombia, ProFound consultants Jolanda van Hal, Lisanne Groothuis and Gustavo Ferro are developing a roadmap for the natural ingredients for cosmetics sector in Colombia. In addition, they provide individual coaching for three projects in the C+C programme that aim to export specific natural ingredients for cosmetics; sacha inchi oil, Magdalena River nut oil and annatto extract. Our consultants spent the last few weeks in Colombia, where they organised a workshop on the European market for cosmetic ingredients for stakeholders in the Colombian sector. Moreover, they identified key challenges and opportunities in Colombian [Read more]

Paving Colombia’s way to the international cocoa market

2019-03-01T15:08:51+00:00September 19th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , |

ProFound’s senior consultant Gustavo Ferro spent the last few weeks in Colombia, where he has worked in different activities of Swisscontact’s Colombia + Competitiva (C+C) programme. Gustavo is part of Swisscontact’s Swiss Expert Network (SEN), and has been advising on C+C’s specialty cocoa projects. The specialty cocoa sector in Colombia has an enormous potential to thrive. The country has a pallet of around 9 cocoa-producing regions with diverse agro-climatic and social characteristics. Colombia’s cocoa bean production reached new records in 2017, at over 60 thousand tonnes. Challenges in Colombia's cocoa bean exports  At the moment, only around 20% of Colombia’s [Read more]

ProFound supports project formulation for Colombia+Competitiva

2018-06-26T12:39:27+00:00September 26th, 2017|Tags: , , , |

As part of the SECO-funded Colombia+Competitiva programme, ProFound’s Gustavo Ferro was invited by Swisscontact to support Colombian applicants to formulate proposals for cocoa and natural ingredients projects. An expert panel will assess these proposals and choose projects that will be co-funded by the programme. Gustavo travelled to five locations in Colombia, and discussed extensively with project partners. With the organisations, he addressed broad subjects on market developments, access requirements, segmentation and, most importantly, how to translate the problems therein into practical interventions. Gustavo answered questions, shared experiences and assisted the applicants in structuring their thinking into a market systems approach. The Colombia+Competitiva [Read more]

Improving Kosovo’s food marketing at trade fairs

2017-03-14T13:49:40+00:00February 20th, 2017|Tags: , , , |

In 2016, ProFound engaged with local marketing companies in Kosovo to strengthen their capacities to support food processors. After implementing a series of activities in the food-processing sector in Kosovo, we were ready to equip local providers with the skills needed to sustain future interventions. Like in earlier activities in the country, ProFound trained the Kosovar marketing companies in the framework of Swisscontact’s Promoting Private Sector Employment programme. The activities implemented in this project served to make Kosovar marketing companies more proficient in supporting local food-processing companies in their export marketing ambitions. For ProFound, this trajectory helped us build our capacities in knowledge exchange [Read more]

Market assessment in Kosovo

2016-11-01T16:28:08+00:00August 21st, 2014|Tags: , , , , , |

In the beginning of August, ProFound consultants Gustavo Ferro and Bert-Jan Ottens embarked on a mission to Pristina, Kosovo, to initiate an assessment of the Kosovar market for processed fruits and vegetables. This assessment falls within the framework of Promoting Private Sector Employment (PPSE), a programme financed by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). The programme is implemented by a consortium of Swisscontact, Riinvest Insitute and PEM Consult. Together with the Riinvest Institute as a local partner, ProFound is conducting the market assessment at three different levels: Trade statistics: an assessment of Kosovo’s trade balance. Value chain dynamics: an analysis of [Read more]

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