Facilitating market access for natural ingredients for cosmetics from Colombia

2019-10-04T02:32:37+00:00October 3rd, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

To support the Colombia + Competitiva (C+C) programme from Swisscontact Colombia, ProFound consultants Jolanda van Hal, Lisanne Groothuis and Gustavo Ferro are developing a roadmap for the natural ingredients for cosmetics sector in Colombia. In addition, they provide individual coaching for three projects in the C+C programme that aim to export specific natural ingredients for cosmetics; sacha inchi oil, Magdalena River nut oil and annatto extract. Our consultants spent the last few weeks in Colombia, where they organised a workshop on the European market for cosmetic ingredients for stakeholders in the Colombian sector. Moreover, they identified key challenges and opportunities in Colombian [Read more]

ProFound supports project formulation for Colombia+Competitiva

2018-06-26T12:39:27+00:00September 26th, 2017|Tags: , , , |

As part of the SECO-funded Colombia+Competitiva programme, ProFound’s Gustavo Ferro was invited by Swisscontact to support Colombian applicants to formulate proposals for cocoa and natural ingredients projects. An expert panel will assess these proposals and choose projects that will be co-funded by the programme. Gustavo travelled to five locations in Colombia, and discussed extensively with project partners. With the organisations, he addressed broad subjects on market developments, access requirements, segmentation and, most importantly, how to translate the problems therein into practical interventions. Gustavo answered questions, shared experiences and assisted the applicants in structuring their thinking into a market systems approach. The Colombia+Competitiva [Read more]

Discussing market access with coffee roasters in Colombia

2019-04-16T14:57:29+00:00November 29th, 2016|Tags: , , , |

What was once perceived as impossible is now gradually taking shape. Colombian roasters have built the confidence and skills to pioneer on a highly competitive market. And they are now equipped with a map of the market and the tools to work on their individual roadmaps within the CBI programme on Speciality Roasted Coffee in Colombia. To support CBI’s programme, ProFound cooperated with expert Rafael Valcarce in producing a Tailored Intelligence to support Colombian coffee roasters in accessing the European market. This study was disseminated in Colombia (Bogotá and Pereira) to the target audience in October 2016, followed by in-depth [Read more]

Successful participation at in-cosmetics

2016-11-01T16:28:02+00:00May 6th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , |

ProFound consultant Robbie Hogervorst travelled to Paris for a very successful in-cosmetics trade fair. Together with CBI expert Andrew Jones, he supported 19 companies from South Africa, Colombia, Peru and Indonesia. They are part of the CBI export coaching programme for SMEs from developing countries. These companies offer a wide range of cosmetic ingredients, from luxurious oils and fragrances to innovative botanical extracts. The in-cosmetics team considered the 2016 edition the best attended ever, and the CBI stand was no exception. The number of business contacts the CBI participants collected exceeded expectations. All nineteen exhibitors were very happy with the quality of their new contacts and will follow [Read more]

Colombian flower growers prepare to gain share in Europe

2016-11-01T16:28:02+00:00March 3rd, 2016|Tags: , , , , |

The flower industry in Colombia is expanding its horizon. The USA currently accounts for around 75% of Colombia’s flower exports and still provides plenty of opportunities, but Colombian exporters are keen to supply other markets too. They are mostly interested in China, the Middle East and Europe. ProFound analysed the European market. We focused on the growing demand for hortensia and the topic of sustainability. In two separate studies for CBI/Procolombia and Solidaridad, we identified opportunities for Colombian exporters and provided recommendations. These included learning from European competitors to improve hortensia quality, breeding more and stronger varieties of hortensia, and lobbying [Read more]

Is Colombian hortensia ready for Europe?

2016-11-01T16:28:02+00:00February 23rd, 2016|Tags: , , , |

Cut hortensia flowers are gaining momentum on the European market. In a study for CBI and ProColombia, ProFound explored the potential for Colombian hortensia exporters in the Netherlands, France, the UK and Switzerland. Colombia, the largest producer of hortensia for the cut flower market, is looking to expand its exports to Europe. CBI commissioned ProFound to assess the potential of Colombian hortensia in Europe, to facilitate the role of Asocolflores and ProColombia in guiding exporters. We analysed the market potential, competition, buyer requirements and business practices in Western Europe. Although European buyer and quality requirements are very strict, Colombia does have a competitive advantage. The country can [Read more]

Roasted coffee from Colombia: Breaking the barrier

2016-11-01T16:28:02+00:00February 16th, 2016|Tags: , , , , |

Europe is the main market for speciality coffee worldwide, as well as home to the largest and most innovative coffee roasters. The European market demands a high volume of green coffee beans, but it presents several challenges to exporters of roasted coffee from producing countries. In partnership with organisations such as PROCOLOMBIA and the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, CBI has launched a programme with Colombian coffee roasters whose aim is to enter the European market. In the context of this programme, ProFound is currently investigating the European market for roasted coffee with CBI expert Rafael Valcarce. The goal is to provide Colombian exporters [Read more]

Promoting trade in sustainable flowers from Colombia

2019-04-16T14:52:44+00:00August 5th, 2015|Tags: , , , |

Colombia, the world’s second largest flower exporter, is very progressive regarding the production of sustainable flowers. Colombia is already the leading supplier to the USA, but still has a lot of market to gain in Europe. Many of the exporting companies are certified Florverde, a certification scheme for social and environmental management. The Sustainable Trade Platform in Colombia, an initiative of Solidaridad, has requested Proverde and ProFound to research the European market for sustainable flowers. This research will identify market opportunities for Colombian suppliers of sustainable flowers and support the expansion of Colombia’s sustainable flowers in the European market.

ProFound talks apples and oranges in Colombia

2016-11-01T16:28:14+00:00March 25th, 2013|Tags: , , , |

In the first week of March, ProFound participated in Proexport’s seminar Condiciones de acceso para productos agroindustriales en la Unión Europea, which was conducted in 5 cities across Colombia - and broadcasted live to 15 additional cities. The seminar was organised in the framework of the Free Trade Agreement signed between Colombia and the European Union in 2012, and aimed to inform exporters of current and future opportunities for agro-industrial products in the EU market. ProFound’s presentation addressed the European market for tropical and exotic fruits from Colombia, highlighting the relevant characteristics, trends & developments, market channels and buyer requirements [Read more]

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